dating sites are worthless

there are many comments I could make about how pointless dating sites are. One is that you absolutely cannot tell if you will hit it off with someone based upon an online profile. NOT EVEN CLOSE. NO EXCEPTIONS.

I don’t want to deal with some random guy who is nothing like what I am looking for and I KNOW IT and he is like, “But I think you are really attractive and would love to date you!”

Come on, bro. I am not on a dating site because I don’t think anyone will find me attractive. I am not on a dating site because I am desperate for a date. I am not desperate to be in a relationship or have a boyfriend. So, CHILL! The only thing we should be focusing on is, Would you like to meet for “coffee” to see if there is even a remote chance that we would even enjoy being on a date together. My experience is this: every guy I have ever met on a dating site has not been anyone I really cared if I ever saw again for the rest of my life and the only times I DID feel an inkling I wanted to see him again or HE wanted to see me again, that was still NO GUARANTEE that we were compatible in life or that anything would develop out of it.

So, yeah. I am jaded. I am not a starry-eyed idealist who thinks that because someone saw my photo and can picture living happily ever after with me in his mind after one DM…..that there is any reason to get excited.

The truth is… dating sites are a joke and a complete waste of time. The end.

And if you live a 2-hr drive away, it IS NOT GOING TO WORK. I don’t live in a fantasy world. This is real life where both people have jobs and families and outside obligations and dating is something to add into all of that. I have also learned that even dating someone for a YEAR is NO GUARANTEE that there is any real compatibility or that it will actually work out!

The end-result of the kind of relationship I would actually like to have is extremely rare and I am ok with that. Meanwhile, life goes on every day and I am living it as best I can manage. I hope you are too, random dude on a dating site who sent me a message and I responded.

My Red Flag alert system is set to filter out even the slightest hint of pink at this point. I have been through enough drama for ten lifetimes.

Thanks. šŸ™‚

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