Tarot Time

I finally did a new reading for myself! Whilst shuffling the deck, I was focusing on my current choices and the direction which I would like to see my life headed. So, here is the answer/guidance.

Significator: 2 Cups (as well as Temperance, as this is the Illuminated Tarot deck). Focus on what’s really important and direct your energy accordingly.

Recent Past: Page of Wands I am going to interpret this as someone in my life in the recent past who can be “…all ideas, no substance. This person can think up great things but lacks when it comes to actually taking action.”

More Distant Past: 4 Pentacles “Four of Pentacles in the Past position can mean that you’ve set yourself up for the current position you’re in, most likely by hanging on to something in a material sense. Letting go of the past and breaking bonds is a natural way to move on, and sometimes a good way. It may seem difficult to even consider it, but thinking about it won’t hurt.”

Near Future: Ace of Wands “You may find that you will start a new job.”

More Distant Future: 2 of Wands (inverted) May be pleasantly surprised by a new job offer or other new endeavors.

How I see my situation: 9 of Wands and The SunYou are moving into a totally new phase and you are looking around in wonder like you are seeing things and people for the first time. I think you have grown immensely. I think that the people and circumstances that used to support you, no longer do because you are seeing things with a new enlightened perspective.

Subconscious: Page of Cups

Questions to Answer:

  1. Who depends on you emotionally?
  2. What does your intuition say to do?
  3. How can you serve others?
  4. Who offers unqualified, non-judgmental love?

Hopes and Fears: 4 of Wands (reversed) can indicate a short-term employment contract or temping before something more permanent comes along.

Sky (what the universe is bringing in): 10 of Cups and Wheel of Fortune “Embrace this feeling of thriving, for soon you will begin a new journey, and life will continue on.” “…those types of major considerations one must face to move onto the next step along a path, if not a new path altogether.

Challenge: 5 of Spades (reversed) and Heirophant Accept things as they are, don’t waste your energy fighting the way things are. Maybe you are too rebellious.

Who or what is in my space: 3 of Wands The feeling of waiting and not knowing.

Outcome: 5 of Swords, The Fool, 5 of Wands Don’t need to prove myself to the competition, only to myself. Find a win/win situation. Be content with who you are, just the way you are.

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